Nookomisnaang Shelter

Nookomisnaang Shelter for Victims of Family Violence
To provide a safe haven for individuals seeking safety and protection from family violence.  To foster encouragement towards wellness.
"We share; we dare; we care."
Nookomisnaang will provide a wholistic atmosphere to help people reconnect to their wellness journeys.
Nookomisnaang believes Anishinaabe aadzowin empowers and support self, family and community wellness.
The name "Nookomisnaang" is inspired by a story told by Elder Isaac Pitawanakwat-baa to participants gathered at a Wiikwemikoong 'Shelter for Victims of Violence Planning Meeting' held on November 1, 2017 at the South Bay Centre, Wiikwemkoong, ON.
Isaac Pitawanakwat-Baa
At the gathering, Isaac shared the following story:
As a little boy, Isaac had been guiding his 'Nookomis' (Grandmother through the forest as she had recently lost her eyesight; and needed help when going out visiting. They were halfway through their walk to the neighboring house when she got tired and said she needed to rest.  She sat on top of a large rock while Isaac stood by her side.  He was shivering from the cold winds.  His Nookomis felt this so she told him to come to the front of her.  After he moved to stand up, she reached out and drew him tight to her body and wrapped him with her long shawl.  Isaac stated that he had never felt so protected; so safe; so loved in his entire life as he did at that very moment.  He said that this feeling was the type of feeling should be what is felt in a 'shelter'; for people to feel welcomed and embraced while they stay there; that they should feel the warmth, comfort, safety and security that comes from being loved by your Nookomis.
Nookomisnaang Shelter Provides: Safety, protection and shelter in a supportive healing environment; intervention and wholistic crisis counselling (group/individual) for victims of family violence (women, men, youth, women with children, men with children, families), traditional teaching circles; an understanding of the cycle of violence; promotion of health and personal self care for wellness, prevention of family violence; referral and advocacy while they are in transition.
Aftercare Family Support: This program focuses on aftercare of family violence by offering a wholistic framework to address the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.  This occurs through counselling (group or individual); support; traditional teaching circles; and advocacy for those services users who have been or continue to be affected by the impacts of family violence.
Elders Circle & Teaching Program: Elders are available to offer support, guidance, storytelling and teachings for the promotion of personal wellness and healing through our natural self-care practices. 
Community Resource & Volunteer Program: The Nookomisnaang Shelter has a  Volunteer Program.  Our volunteers receive in-depth training and provide an array of help with Shelter program activities, fundraising and life-skill development initiatives such as gardening, gathering/harvesting of wild edible/plants, medicine wheel garden, creative native arts and use of our ceremonies, teachings and other therapeutic activities.
Nookomisnaang Shelter
Naandwechige-Gamig Wikwemikong Health Centre
16-A Complex Drive, PO Box 101
Manager: Mary Pheasant
Phone:  705-859-1543   Toll Free: 1-888-889-5927
Fax:  705-859-1544
SPECIAL NOTE:  If you are in an EMERGENCY situation or are afraid for your life, please CALL 9-1-1 or your local police service immediately.
Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service
Phone: 705-859-3141  (Daytime)     Toll Free: 1-866-684-1136
After Hours Reporting:  1-888-310-1122